Castletown ladies life boat committee

Home / Castletown ladies life boat committee

Castletown Bay, with its two headlands, Langness and Scarlett Point, was the scene of many shipwrecks prior to the installation of Langness Lighthouse in 1880.

The Castletown Lifeboat Station opened in 1827; their first R.N.L.I. lifeboat was the “No. 1 Commercial Traveller” which attended six shipwrecks and saved twenty-three lives.

Succeeding Castletown lifeboats carried on the good work until 1926 when the R.N.L.I. H.Q. decided to close the Castletown Lifeboat Station as they considered that the Port St. Mary lifeboat could adequately cover the former Castletown lifeboat area.

Undeterred, the Castletown Ladies Lifeboat Committee remained very much in existence raising funds for the R.N.L.I. cause under the leadership of two successive Ladies Presidents – the late Lady Qualtrough, and today’s Ladies President, Mrs. T. E. O. Moore, who lives at:

Douglas Street,
Telephone: (+ 44) 1624 822596

She will be very happy to accept donations on behalf of the R.N.L.I.