The Castletown Walking Tour

Home / The Castletown Walking Tour

This illustrated guide to a short walk around Castletown has been prepared by Castletown Heritage to give visitors an insight into some of the historic buildings which are situated in our ancient capital.

The walk as described will take approximately one hour to complete and you will require to add to this period any time that you are inclined to spend in visiting the Castle and various other museums and buildings which are open to the public such as the Castle, the Nautical Museum and the Grammar School.

In addition to the ancient buildings, on the map in the centre of this booklet you will also see marked places of interest and personal comfort.

Walking tour map

Start the Tour

We hope that when you have completed the walk and returned to the town centre you will be delighted to have found a little of our past history and we hope that you will be encouraged to explore further and spend more time here.

Acknowledgements are due to:

members of Castletown Heritage who helped in the compilation of the guide, especially Jonathan Kewley, Celia Salisbury Jones and Sir David and Lady Wilson
Mrs Pauline Cringle for the excellent line drawings included in the printed version of the guide.
Oxford Brookes University for the cartography
Tony Petty and Amanda Macnair for publication.

Printed copies of this guide are available, price ยฃ2.50, from:

Alan Cleary,
Treasurer, Castletown Heritage,
1 Scarlett Road,
Castletown, IM9 1NT.

Re-sellers should contact Amulree Publications, Lossan y Twoaie, Glen Road, Laxey, tel: 862238, fax: 862298.