How to add your details
This web site is a community project, and all Castletown clubs are welcome to request a listing –ย free of charge!
Our aim is to provide, within the Castletown site, a basic set of information about a club. For this we ask you to provide a brief description of your club, such as meeting times and places, committe members, membership requirements, or anything which you think a prospective member might wish to know.We will also include a few photographs if you feel it appropriate.
Subject to workload, we can amend pages and update events lists or reports of club activities for you, provided that they are submitted in electronic format.
Text should be supplied, on IBM PC disk, or Iomega zip disk, in rich text format (.RTF). If you have scanning facilites then pictures should be supplied as jpg format, with no more than 10% compression, and a maximum dimension (width or height) of 600 pixels. if you don’t, then we can scan pictures for you. They should be standard postcard size, glossy prints and will of course be returned.
You can also email text and pictures as attachments to:
If you already have a web site then we still ask for this basic information, and we will then include a link at the bottom of the page. This is so that visitors can acquire the introductory information about a club while still remaining within the Castletown site, yet can follow up the link if they decide that they want more information. You can add a link to your site from our links directory by clicking on the links below.