The Castletown and District Over 60’s Club 2003 AGM

Home / The Castletown and District Over 60’s Club 2003 AGM

Castletown and District Over 60’s Club held its 2003 Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 28th May at 7.30 pm. The meeting was well attended and the President and Chairman of the Club, Castletown MHK Tony Brown, reported that the Club had had a very successful year. He also reported that a number of members had passed away in the last year and were missed by everyone.

He also reported that during the year work would be undertaken to the main structure of the Clubs headquarters with the replacement of all the windows which form the back and front walls and that they had been successful in receiving a promise of financial support from the Manx Lottery Trust, for which they were very grateful.

The Treasurer, Mr Peter Cain gave his report at the AGM, and reported that the Clubs finances are in good order and that the events held throughout the year had generated a good financial return to the Club. The Chairman thanked the Treasurer for carrying out his duties so well, he also thanked his committee and the many people who have helped the Club over the past year and for the considerable work undertaken by them all on behalf of the Club ensuring its continued success. He also thanked Mr David Brown for giving his time to Audit the Clubs accounts for which Tony Brown said the Club appreciated his assistance and was very grateful for his support.

Tony Brown also paid special tribute to Mrs Alice Brent who had been an active member of the committee, being Vice Chairman, Vice President and an Honorary Life Member and who due to ill health was presently living out of Castletown. Mr Brown said “he hoped it would not be to long before she was back South living near her many friends. Alice has been a stalwart of the Club dedicating much of her life to ensure its success; she is very much missed as a member and friend. She has been my Vice Chairman since I became Chairman and has given me personally much support for which I am grateful. Over the years as an active member of the Club Alice has done so much for the Club and has provided much support and assistance to many, on behalf of us all at the Club I wish Alice well for the future.”

The meeting then proceeded to elect its officials and executive committee for the next year, 2003/2004. Tony Brown SHK was re-elected President and Chairman of the Club and the members of the committee were also re-elected. (please see separate attached list for those elected and their positions)

At the meeting and after the officials and committee had been elected a surprised Geoff Karran (Advocate) who has been associated with the Club for well over 30 years and who was one of the original elected Council of Management members when the Club was first incorporated on the 11th April 1973 was presented with an ‘Honorary Life Membership’ in recognition of his invaluable, dedicated and continuous involvement with the Club since the mid 1960’s.

In presenting the award the Club President and Chairman, Castletown MHK Tony Brown said “Geoff has and continues to give a lot of his own time to assist and support the Club, he has continued to take a considerable interest in its affairs for which we thank him. Geoff always makes himself available to assist and we are all extremely grateful for his friendship, dedication and support over a period expanding in excess of 30 years.”

Geoff Karran in accepting the Honorary Life Membership thanked the Chairman and Club for presenting him with the award and he said he had and continued to enjoy being associated with the Club, an association he had had since being approached by Mr Reg Chafer (the then publican of the Viking Hotel) in the mid 1960’s, when he asked Geoff to assist the Club in its formulation. Mr Karran said, “ I have always had a close link and a fondness for Castletown as it was my fathers home town and as a child I used to visit the town to see my Grandparents and I am pleased to accept this award and have and continue to enjoy being associated with the Over 60’s Club.”