Castletown Lawn Tennis Club

Home / Castletown Lawn Tennis Club

Chairman: Ron Ronan
Treasurer: David Wilkinson


Richard Kerr,
Lingague Farm Cottage,
Ballakilpheric Road,
Colby, IM9 48R.
Tel: 01624 833200
e-mail:[email protected]

Club Organisation

General Committee:
Chairman Ron Ronan 822004
Secretary Richard Kerr 833200
Treasurer David Wilkinson


We renewed our lease with the Castletown Commissioners in 2002 for a 5 year period thus enabling the club to fix the subscriptions. This means that we can continue to have different membership levels. Details of subscriptions are on the membership form. Please note that there will be no charge for club sessions or matches, and tennis balls will be provided free.

We have kept subscription fees static for the last three years. However in preparation for an expensive court-resurfacing project we have planned for later this year, there will be a small increase in subscriptions next year. This increase will also apply this year if fees are not paid by 30 th April 2005 .

Anyone wishing to join the Club may contact any of the club officials. The Committee for the 2005 season consists of the Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Men’s Captain – Richard Kerr, Women’s Captain – Daphne Snidal, Club Coach – Neil Ronan, Charlotte Walker and Norman Lewis.

Organised Play

Full membership entitles members to play at any time, but please bear in mind that matches at home may use all three courts.

The Club sessions are:

The Club sessions are:

Club Tennis: Sunday afternoons, starting 3 rd April at 2pm .

Thursday evenings, starting 7 th April at 6.30pm .

Ladies Tennis: Wednesday mornings starting on 13 th April at 10am .

Open to members and visitors. Visitors’ fees will be charged, For further information please contact Gill Fargher (851333) or Charlotte Walker (835485).

League Matches/Teams

Again we shall be entering Men’s, Ladies and Mixed Teams in the local Leagues this year. Anyone who would be interested in playing in the League Teams is very welcome to attend the pre-league practise sessions detailed below, or please notify Richard Kerr (833200) or Daphne Snidal (834815). League matches will start in the beginning of May.

Team Practices Ladies – Monday evenings, starting 4 th April at 6.30pm .

(Pre Leagues) Men’s – Tuesday evenings, starting 5 th April at 6.30pm.

Tournemants and Events

A few Tournaments/Events have already been scheduled for the forthcoming season. Please include them in your diaries now.

Play Tennis/Open Day: A free Play Tennis/Open Day has been arranged for Sunday 8 th May, when members and any newcomers who wish to ‘have a go at Tennis’ will be very welcome.

Juniors 12 – 2pm , Seniors 2pm onwards.

American Tournaments: We have scheduled four Mixed Tournaments. Open to members and visitors. Play starts at 6.30pm prompt.

Thursday 5th May.
Thursday 2nd June.
Thursday 7th July.
Thursday 4th August.

Ten-Pin Bowling Evening: We have scheduled a Bowling evening with supper on Thursday 31 st March. Please see notice enclosed.

Junior Club

We would like to encourage junior members to play tennis at the club, and coaching for juniors will be available at the courts on Saturday afternoons, starting in early May. Please contact Neil Ronan (822004) or Richard Kerr (833200) for more information.

It is also intended to run a junior club on a Thursday evening where the more experienced juniors can play under supervision, starting Thursday 14th April 5-6pm . Please contact Neil Ronan (822004) or Richard Kerr (833200) for more information.


Please bear in mind that members of the public are also entitled to use the courts, with certain restrictions. A notice will be displayed in the pavilion and club officials should generally be able to clarify any situation that may arise.

Club Secretary,