Castletown Heritage Newsletter 5

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From the Chairman

I am pleased to be able to report that we are continuing to attract new subscribers, including corporate subscriptions, which will materially assist in our efforts to promote an awareness of the need to preserve the heritage of the town.  We are, in this edition, listing our corporate subscribers on the inside of the back cover, and I would like to take this opportunity of welcoming them to Castletown Heritage and thanking them for their support.

You will be aware from the press and also from our recent meetings that the Castletown Town Commissioners have completely reversed their decision:

“that in their firm view the land allocated for residential development at Knock Rushen should be removed from such use and returned to agricultural purposes”. 

Such a decision does not seem to reflect the feelings of the majority of the residents of Castletown or indeed the majority of the Commissioners (the decision was taken at a meeting where certain Commissioners were absent).

We have written to the Commissioners requesting that they arrange a public meeting in order that they may have the benefit of local opinion and we sincerely hope that they will take action on this request as public feeling is running very high.

Tony Petty