Pictures of 2008

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Some scenes from the Championship

Before the Racing
The Pits - race preparations underway
Martin Clunes was there with a film crew Martin Clunes was there with a film crew
The Pits – race preparations underway Martin Clunes was there with a film crew
The Men’s Races
David Collister
Dave Kelly at the start
David Collister lines up with Dave Kelly at the start
Steve Cain and Mike Bellis - paddlin' hard
Thomas Parry rounds the top mark
Steve Cain and Mike Bellis – paddlin’ hard Thomas Parry rounds the top mark
Holmes Blackburn and Steven Cannon
got that sinking feeling
Holmes Blackburn and Steven Cannon – stately progress and right, …got that sinking feeling
"Oh bother, I've sunk," or words to that effect
Peter Macken, will he finish by 2012?
“Oh bother, I’ve sunk,” or words to that effect Peter Macken, will he finish by 2012?
The Ladies’ Race
Lining up for the start.... Erica Cowin, Slly Raynes
They're Off!
Lining up for the start…. Erica Cowin, Sally Raynes They’re Off!
Louise Slater, Suzanne Slater and Paula Gelling
Erica Cowin at real speed
Louise Slater, Suzanne Slater and Paula Gelling Erica Cowin at real speed
Who are you?
Sally Raynes - slowing up are you?
Who are you? Get recorded in this caption. Sally Raynes – slowing up are you?
Snake Races
Snake Race - usual chaos
Usual chaos!