The Castletown Town Commissioners

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Minutes of the ordinary Board Meeting held on Monday 4th October 1999

Present Full Board except Miss Anderson & Mr Craine who sent their apologies.
(in attendance: Town Clerk & Administrative Officer)
Correction AB/86.99 Mr Collister pointed out that AB/76 9) should read 9 and not 12 Victoria Road.
Minutes AB/87.99 Minutes of the Ordinary Board meeting held on 06109199 had been circulated and were signed as a correct record with the above amendment.
Business out of same AB/88.99 1) Reference AB/76.99 I)Mr Cain enquired whether any progress had been made with regard to the removal of the chicane at the junction of Arbory Road with Farrants Way. Reported that no further response had been received from the DoT.

2) Reference AB/76.99 5)Mr K Collister stated that the best way to keep the Mill Race clean was for the Mill owner to regularly flush the channel with water from the Mill Pond. Some members were still of the opinion the Mill Race should be culverted as it was an eyesore.  Agreed a meeting be arranged with the DoT Minister & Mr N R Cooil (DoT – Chief Executive) to discuss a number of matters appertaining to highways including parking – speed limit in Malew Street right of way – Bog Lane traffic lights at Malew Road junction with Alexandra Road -Castle Street re- construction Arbory Road chicane and road gully cleaning.

3)  Reference AB/77.99 the Chairman stated that £186 had been received towards his Charity Appeal Fund from the Civic Sunday church collection.

4) Reference AB/85.99 the Chairman stated that the draft agreement for the leasing of the toilets by the Board had been received.

Chairman’s Report AB/89.99 The Chairman reported that:

The library had now closed until 08/11/99 whilst work was carried out to erect new shelving and move the books into the library extension. The Library & Board Room Extension was a project of the Commissioners Castletown 2000 programme the first part of which was the refurbishment of the Smelt Monument completed earlier this year. He apologised for the loss of the library service but he hoped its members would find the end result worth the short disruption.

When the Library moved to the Civic Centre from the old House of Keys in Parliament Square in 1989 the library had approximately 600 members and the Board allocated £1,700 per year for the purchase of new books that allowed the librarian to purchase 224 books at an average price of £7.59. This Board has made a huge commitment to the library service increasing the book allowance to £6,000 last year allowing the purchase of 673 books new books at an average price of £8.92 per book and in the current financial year the book allowance has been raised to £8,000 which is 470% more than 10 years ago.

The membership of the library continues to grow but the most pleasing aspect of the increase is the fact that the children’s membership has increased by more than 130% which shows that children are still reading books for pleasure and to find information. The membership was now just over 800.

The work on the extension was approximately 2 weeks behind schedule at the moment the General Office should relocate back to their office at the end of next week leaving just work on the Boardroom and the new toilets to be completed internally together with the external ground-works around the building but this work would not affect the opening of the new facilities.

Conservation Policy AB/90.99 Members were of the opinion that residents having to comply with various regulations invariably received no financial assistance as there was never any money available from Government.
Castle Street  Remedial AB/91.99 Agreed to again write to the DoT regarding works and request that the alterations suggested be carried out.
Smetana Close – Tree AB/ 92.99 Consideration given to a letter from DAFF advising that the sycamore tree near to the electricity sub-station at Smetana Close was in good condition and had amenity value although the roots did appear to be lifting the tarmac.

Proposed Mr Cain seconded Mr Gale and agreed that application be made to DAFF for the tree to be felled.

The grounds for requesting the felling of the tree were as follows:

1) Better light will be provided to Flats 8 & 8a
2) The roots of the tree will eventually affect the foul sewer in the road
3) The roots were already breaking up the tarmac on the pavement

Kneen – Sewage problem AB/ 93.99 Consideration given to a letter from Mr & Mrs J Kneen advising that there had been a recent sewage problem in the Bay. Members agreed that the recent smell was associated with wrack which had been moved by the high tides.  Unanimously agreed to advise Mr & Mrs Kneen that the smell was more than likely associated with wrack movement however the situation was being monitored.
Planning Committee AB/ 94.99 Decisions made by the Planning Committee in respect of the following were read and noted: Decisions:

1)16 Reayrt Lhean (Corrin) – Vehicular access & hardstanding – APPROVED

2)Westham Arbory Road (Waiters) – Change of Use to B & B accommodation – APPROVED

3)Parliament Square (DoT) – Streetscape – APPROVED

4)38 Malew Street (Campbell – Replacement windows to front – APPROVED

Plans AB/ 95.99 Consideration and approval given to the planning aspects of the following:1)38 Malew Street (Thackery Enterprises) – Re-site rear gate in wall

2)Fields 4013 & 4733 (Riggall)-Approval in principle to first time buyer & other housing

3)109 Malew Street(Smith)-Replace front door & dining room windows

4)3 Raad ny Gabbil (Haywood) – Porch

5)Ellerslie Malew Street (Peach)- Replacement window

Castletown Town Plan AB/ 96.99 The Chairman stated that he had been led to believe that the Castletown Town Plan had been delayed until October 2000. Agreed to write to the DLGE Minister and enquire whether the Castletown Town Plan revision document would shortly be available for public comment and when the public inquiry would take place.
DLGE representatives – AB/ 97.99 Reported that the DLGE representatives would be prepared to meet the Commissioners to discuss Meeting land at Farrants Way and the tenancies of properties at Rheast Barrule on 22110199.  Agreed to enquire whether an alternative date could be arranged.
Braddan Civic Sunday AB/ 98.99 Consideration given to a letter from Braddan Parish Commissioners inviting the Commissioners to attend Civic Sunday on 17110199 at Braddan Church commencing at 3.00pm.  Mr Patel agreed to attend.
Buchan School – Firework AB/ 99.99 Letter read and noted from the Buchan School Fund-Raising Committee advising that a firework Display display would take place on 05/11/99 in the school grounds.
Cornerstone Architects – Knockrushen amended plan. AB/100.99 Consideration given to an amended plan submitted by Cornerstone Architects for the proposed Knockrushen (amended plan) residential development of land at Knockrushen. The amended plan showed a 3m (1 0′) emergency access road running from the estate to the road leading to Scarlett. Mr Cain stated that he could not see any reason for such an access. Mr A Collister was of the opinion that this was the thin end of the wedge for eventually gaining a permanent access onto the road leading to Scariett.

Proposed Mr A Collister seconded Mr Cain and unanimously agreed that the amended plan be refused for the following reasons

The Castletown Town Commissioners object to the amended plan submitted in respect of PA 9910857 showing a 3m wide emergency vehicle access to Queen Street 1 road to Scarlett from the proposed estate. They were of the opinion that there is no need for such an access as Scarlett Road is wide enough for emergency vehicles to traverse easily and this is the thin end of the wedge for eventually establishing an alternative access for vehicles to ingress and egress the proposed estate via Queen Street which is not considered adequate to cope with the extra traffic.

Storm water gully clearing AB/101.99 Mr Parkes reported that the storm water gully outside his house had finally been cleared, however the DoT failed to the clear the others. He would be contacting the DoT in the morning.
DoT Portakabin AB/1 02.99 Mr A Collister reported the DoT portakabin had not been removed off the land at Farrants Way. The DoT were to be again contacted.
Tree felling – Market AB/1 03.99 The Chairman reported that the tree outside Barclays Bank had to be felled in the interests of public Square safety as the trunk was rotten.  Agreed the DoT be contacted and requested to remove the tree stump and associated roots.
Derelict vehicles – Works Depot AB/1 04.99 Agreed the derelict vehicles at the Gas Works Yard be removed as soon as possible.
School Hill garages –


AB/105.99 Agreed the potholes at the School Hill garages be repaired.