Castle Rushen – building phases

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Castle Rushen through the ages –
how the Castle evolved
Castle Rushen in 1250 - With grateful thanks to Manx National Heritage for their assistance with copyright text and images
15th Century
16th Century
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In 1313, despite the Keep having been strengthened by the addition of the west and south towers, Castle Rushen Isle of Man was besieged and taken by the Scottish King, Robert the Bruce – though he could not successfully hold it. A period of confusion followed. Scotland and England both Scaffolding in the Castle Keep - photo: Manx National Heritageclaimed the overlordship and nominees of each nation held the Island from time to time. Eventually, the Kings of England prevailed over the Scots and granted the Lordship of Mann to various English noblemen.

Considerable rebuilding followed, under the auspices of powerful English Earls, as England consolidated her hold on the Island. The east tower, gatehouses, and curtain wall are all later additions from the 14th century onwards.

The central square stone tower or Keep, with its inner courtyard, are the oldest parts of the Castle, dating probably from the period of the last Viking King of Mann, Magnus, whose death here in 1265 was recorded in the “Chronicles of the Kings of Mann and the Isles.”

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